Sikha Malhotra, who recently worked with Sanjay Mishra in kaanchli life on a song, before starting her career as an actress, she pursued a degree in nursing from Delhi Vardhaman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital. Now the country is fighting against coronavirus outbreak. So she returned to her profession as a nurse. For her decision, she was appreciated by all people including Katrina kaif.
Then she took to Instagram Katrina called Shikha,” real-life hero”. Sharing the screenshot of same Shikha wrote: The way she connected with me, it shows her humanity. Feeling overwhelmed. First appreciation from the film industry.
I had never expected this to happen when I decided to work as a voluntary nursing officer to serve the nation.” Two weeks ago, she made the following post: For those who don’t know that I am a # Registered # Bsc honours Nurses from Vardhaman Mahavir Medical and # Safdarjung Hospital spending my five years.
So as you all have always appreciated my efforts my achievements this need all of your support to # serve the # nation once you join the hospital in # Mumbai for # Covid 19 # crisis. Always there to serve the country as a # Nurse as a # entertainer whenever however I can need your blessings please be at home be safe and support the government,” wrote the actress who also worked with that she also posted a picture which she was working at the hospital, Mumbai.